Filter Design Software, Electrical Engineering Software, mostly FREE

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Program Name: Chebychev Band Pass Filter Design Program, Version 1.03
Function: LC Low Pass Filter Design, Direct Scaled. (alternating series and parallel resonators)
License type: Design Online, nothing to download!
Description: Design a Chebychev Band Pass Filter from inductors and capacitors.
Link location: Local
Design Online
Electrical Engineering Software HOME

Program Name: Chebychev Low Pass Filter Design Program, Version 1.03
Function: LC Low Pass Filter Design
License type: Design Online, nothing to download!
Description: Design a Chebychev Low Pass Filter from inductors and capacitors.
Link location: Local
Design Online
Electrical Engineering Software HOME

Program Name: Chebychev High Pass Filter Design Program, Version 1.00
Function: LC High Pass Filter Design
License type: Design Online, nothing to download!
Description: Design a Chebychev High Pass Filter from inductors and capacitors.
Link location: Local
Design Online
Electrical Engineering Software HOME

Program Name: PCFILT
Function: LC and microwave filter design
License type: Demo
Description: Design any imaginable LC filter, as well as comb-line and interdigital types.
Link location: External
Browse the program's README file first
Electrical Engineering Software HOME

Program Name: Elsie (LC)
Function: LC filter design
License type: demo
Description: Elsie is an LC filter design program. Student version is available.
DOWNLOAD NOW from Tonne Software page's Software Page
Electrical Engineering Software HOME

Program Name: HELICAL
Function: Helical filter design
License type: Freeware
Description: Design a helical band pass filter. Typically used in the range of 50 to 1000 MHz.
Link location: External
DOWNLOAD NOW from WB6BLD's Software Page
Electrical Engineering Software HOME

Program Name: QuidkFil
Function: Passive Filter Design.
License type: Demo
Link location: External
Browse the program's README file first
OMICRON's home page
Electrical Engineering Software HOME

Antique Software:
Software below this line is old and probably won't run in 64 bit MS Windows.
It's listed here because:
1. You may be able to use it in a compatibility mode.
2. Some programs have source code provided, which you may find useful.

Program Name: Blitz 1.0 [ANTIQUE]
License type: Freeware
Description: Design Microwave Bandpass Filters in waveguide
Link location: Local
Read More
Electrical Engineering Software HOME

Program Name: LumpedT [ANTIQUE]
Function: Lumped Element Band Pass Filter Design
License type: Freeware, Open Source
Description: Design "top C" coupled Tchebychev bandpass filters. The program designs a 2 to 18 pole bandpass filter, using parallel LC resonators, and series capacitor coupling. It also generates a SPICE netlist with which the filter can be analyzed. More information on SPICE is available on the CIRCUIT ANALYSIS page.
Link location: Internal
Browse the program's README file first
Electrical Engineering Software HOME

Program Name: Filter 2.0 [ANTIQUE]
Function: Active Filter Design.
License type: Shareware (but I have not been able to contact the author to register)
Description: Designs Op Amp Active filters.
Link location: Local
Browse the program's README file first
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